Felix Ostapenko
Although he has lived in Switzerland for several years, Félix Ostapenko was born and grew up in a small town in Lithuania: Palanga. And it is by no means anecdotal, since it was this childhood on the Baltic Coast and near forests that gave him the taste for nature and wide open spaces. When he embraced a career in photography, it was to reveal to the world the beauties of nature, “always astounding and unexpected,” he said. To do this, he opted for the medium format. This format presents certain constraints (weight, volume, cost) but the photos are more precise, notably in terms of colours: “This new technique opened up artistic opportunities and gave me more creative freedom,” explains Félix Ostapenko, who favours long exposure times for his shots. For 2023–2024 he is preparing an exhibition of his photographs, presented exclusively in large format.
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